Economic contribution of mobile continues to expand, but market dynamics are impeding European 5G progress Mobile technologies and services contributed Eur757 billion to European GDP in 2021, but Europe’s ambitious
Read FullSustainably built and operated, leading-edge memory fab to create nearly 50,000 New York jobs; New Green CHIPS Community Fund to invest $500 million in community and workforce development over time
Read FullIn Q3 2022, the global smartphone market recorded its third consecutive decline this year, dropping 9% year-on-year, marking the worst Q3 since 2014. The gloomy economic outlook has led consumers
Read FullInfinera announced that Algar Telecom, a leading provider of telecom and IT solutions within Algar Corporation, has selected Infinera to modernize and scale its subsea network infrastructure Powered by Infinera’s
Read FullUrban parks are sometimes described as the “lungs” of a city. Fighting pollution, encouraging biodiversity and helping to control temperatures, they instantly benefit our health and wellbeing, as well as
Read FullEl proyecto ha sido presentado en Vielha contando con representantes de Mobile World Capital Barcelona, Hispasat, Conselh Generau d’Aran, Arantec y Fundación i2CAT, quienes han puesto en valor las múltiples
Read FullA casi la mitad de los usuarios españoles les preocupa que los gigantes de las redes sociales les rastreen Una encuesta de NordVPN mostró que los españoles pasan más de
Read FullEl acuerdo pretende acelerar la digitalización de destinos y sector turístico, al facilitar el acceso a tecnologías y soluciones digitales SEGITTUR, la Sociedad Mercantil Estatal para la Gestión de la
Read FullLa tecnología de Experiencias Digitales de Liferay respalda el proyecto denominado “EINA Salut”, un revolucionario instrumento interactivo de trabajo dirigido a todo el ecosistema social y económico balear: personas sanas,
Read FullEl Alcalde de Bilbao, Juan Mari Aburto, y el director de Sector Público de Google Cloud EMEA (Europa, Oriente Medio y África), Olivier Desquesses, han firmado un acuerdo de colaboración
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